Homemade mixtures made from readily available ingredients will work great on a wide range of stains and stains.
When making and using household cleaning products, it is important to follow one rule: before mixing anything, be sure to study the composition of the finished solutions and the properties of the individual components. Some of them should not be connected at all. We will tell you more about this in a separate article. When the home remedy is ready, do not forget to label the container with its composition.
Universal cleaner
What you will need:
white vinegar;
lemon peel;
sprig of rosemary.
Mix water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, add the remaining ingredients, shake well and leave for a week.
This product is suitable for removing water stains, freshening up your trash can, removing stains from walls, and more. All thanks to the lemon peel, which not only gives a pleasant smell, but also increases the effectiveness of the medicine.